Office of Teaching & Learning
Our highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated staff are available to help Miami County Schools meet the unique needs of every student, every educator, everyday! Superintendents, principals, teachers and support staff from 9 local school districts rely on MCESC's curriculum department to identify and design programs to meet the educational needs of K-12 students.
Office of Teaching & Learning services include:
Professional Development
Curriculum Support
Literacy Support & Coaching
PBIS Support
Course of study development
High Quality Instructional Materials Support
Data Analysis
On-site consultation/classroom modeling
Assistance with grant writing
Resident Educator Program
Coordination of Talented and Gifted programs
Jay Borchers
Director of the Office of Teaching & Learning
Liz Sonnanstine
Career Connection Coordinator
Angie Fugate
Gifted & Talented Coordinator
Heather Sage
Literacy Coordinator
Mary Ann Morgret
Testing & Resource Coordinator & Resident Educator Coordinator