The Miami County Preschool program is for children ages 3 through 5 who have special needs. This program is provided through the Miami County Educational Service Center. The following school districts in Miami County collaborate to provide the preschool program through the Special Education Consortium: Consisting of Troy City Schools, Piqua City Schools, Tipp City Exempted Village Schools, Milton-Union Exempted Village Schools, Covington Exempted Village Schools, Bethel Local Schools, Newton Local Schools, and Miami East Local Schools.
Preschool Programs
Serves children ages 3-5 with cognition, communication, motor and social emotional delays
Classroom enrollment is limited to 12 children, with a teacher and a classroom aide
Classes meet two and a half hours daily, 4 days per week
Heather Lorenzo
Director of Preschool
(937) 339-5100 x 1323
Kerri Spagnola
Preschool Supervisor
(937) 339-5100 x 2013
Kristine Stewart
Preschool Secretary
(937) 332-6029