Mrs. Bell’s class is ready for a great year!! 🎉
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
Preschoolers at Milton-Union happy to be back!
over 2 years ago, Heather Lorenzo
Milton Preschool
Milton Preschool
Bethel Preschoolers busy learning on their first day back.
over 2 years ago, Heather Lorenzo
Bethel Preschool
Bethe Preschool
Loved seeing all the CLC students and their families at our open house this evening. We are excited for the new school year to begin Wednesday!
over 2 years ago, Valerie Ganiron
Some families !
Welcome back!
decorated doors for our students!
decorated boards for the students!
Such a great day! Staff at Milton-Union and Troy participated in a team building activity this morning. They were given some random materials and had to build the tallest tower that held a marshmallow. Staff was challenged to have good communication and to think outside the box!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
Staff at Milton-Union and Troy had a great afternoon learning ways to increase functional communication in their classrooms! Big thank you to our related services supervisor, Bethany Whidden, and Speech Therapist, Lindsey Dino for presenting!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
Our staff at Troy and Milton-Union participated in CPR training this morning! ♥️ Thanks Paul Brown, from the Piqua Fire Department for a great training!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
Our new staff and various educators around the county participated in two days of nonviolent crisis prevention training!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
We had a wonderful morning seeing all of our staff at our 2022-2023 Opening Day! We are looking forward to a great year! A big thanks to our speaker this morning, Dr. Scott Grant! We are ready to lead and add value to our classrooms!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
New staff orientation happening today! Welcome to all of our new staff!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
We had a great day at the Miami County Administrators Conference. Big thanks to George Couros for speaking to our group today! @gcouros
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
We want to send a big thank you to the Miami County Foundation. We received a grant this Spring to purchase some adaptive learning equipment! The items arrived recently and we are exited to use them this school year!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
There are a lot of exciting things happening this summer. LT Ball is ready for the upcoming school year with new carpet!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
The Miami County ESC is currently looking for dedicated individuals to serve as paraprofessionals/teaching assistants in various classrooms throughout the county. If interested, contact the office at (937) 339-5100 or apply here:
over 2 years ago, David Larson
We are so proud of Justine! Check out this awesome article and video highlighting her and her involvement in various sports! 😄
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
The Miami County ESC is seeking applications for a Speech-Language Pathologist for the 2022-2023 school year. If interested in applying, please visit app/ Click on student support services, Speech and Language Pathologist, then Miami County ESC.
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
The Miami County Educational Service Center provides special education programs and student support services to public schools located in Miami County. We are seeking professional individuals who would like to join our team as an Intervention Specialist. Candidates will work with special needs students in either MD or ED classrooms and must hold (or be obtaining) an Ohio Department of Education license as an intervention specialist with either mild to moderate or moderate to intensive teaching fields. We will also consider candidates with an alternative intervention specialist license. Candidates must complete and have satisfactory results on BCI and FBI background checks. We have full time positions available. These positions are also eligible for health, dental and vision insurance.
over 2 years ago, Melinda Hoffert
Check out this flyer for a Family-to-Family class for Miami county!
over 2 years ago, Marianne Setliff
Thank you to the Piqua Chamber, FASTLANE, and Ohio Tech Prep for providing the Local Industry and Classroom Connections tours for Miami County Educators!
over 2 years ago, David Larson
tour 1
tour 2
tour 3
tour 4
Before the students at the CLC went on summer break they created a keepsake for our 2021-2022 school year!
over 2 years ago, Valerie Ganiron
CLC quilt!